NÜVA Smile

Brushing Your Teeth Can Prevent a Heart Attack

Sep 14, 2020 @ 10:48 AM — by Dr. Mouner Amer
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Do you really brush your teeth twice a day? Have you ever gone to bed without brushing your teeth? While skipping a brushing here or there won’t harm you, there are some consequences that can arise from not having a daily dental care routine. One of those consequences? Inflammation. Disregarding your dental health can lead to issues further down the road such as stroke, cardiovascular inflammation, and diabetes!

According to a CDC study, half of Americans have Periodontal Disease. The beginning stages of this disease are known as Gingivitis. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue and bone supporting the teeth, according to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). When untreated, Periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss and even other inflammatory diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

While it seems unlikely, studies have shown results that gum health is linked to cardiovascular health. Researches believe that the bacteria that is present in gum disease can actually travel throughout the body and cause inflammation in the heart vessels and valves. In fact, some research points to a link between gum disease and patients who have suffered from heart disease, stroke, and other vascular events.

However, forgetting to brush your teeth for one night will not lead to a heart attack the next day! Daily dental care should absolutely be part of your routine. Regular flossing and brushing can keep that plaque at bay.

If you find yourself experiencing the symptoms below, then it is time to visit your dentist for a cleaning.

Symptoms of Gingivitis

Daily brushing and flossing are important! By doing so, you are creating a healthier you. If you or anyone you know is experiencing any dental issues, please contact us! To find an office near you and to schedule an appointment, click here.